Patio Dog Door….Problem Solved for You and Lassie!

desain interior rumah minimalis type 45 – We have always maintained that a good purchase for your home is if more than one party benefits from it. A patio dog door fits this description.

When you and your guests are enjoying the outdoor patio, you will inevitably neglect, or pay less attention to your dog.

This may mean that your doggie is restricted in their movements.

Installing a patio dog door is an easy solution to this problem. On the one hand it gives your dog the freedom to move around as they please, and removes the burden from you to constantly open and close the patio door.

As consumers demand more comfort, companies have no choice but to deliver. Manufactures of patio dog doors also deliver on this need. Innovation in this area means that homeowners have the option to purchase dog doors that are all set for easy and immediate installation. These doors are designed to fit in with your current patio door system, resulting in an easy setup.

Patio dog door problem solved for you and Lassie
Patio dog door: problem solved for you and Lassie

Furthermore – contrary to popular belief – the dog door doesn’t present a potential security risk. This is a falsehood, as there are state of the art security mechanisms in place nowadays to stop burglars from using the pet door as a point of entry. If you are away from your home for long periods of time you can install a ‘slide-in’ security panel which can be fixed when the dog panel is not in use. There are also a range of locking mechanisms the market offers to prevent entry from outside when your dog does not use the door.

A more technologically advanced method for continuous use is a ‘security lock’ that ‘reads’ the key attached to your dogs color. The dog door therefore automatically locks when your dog is not using it and opens only when your dog is in the vicinity.

When you set out on your mission to purchase a patio dog door, it’s important to keep a few things in mind.

Generally patio doors are subdivided into two categories – temporary and semi-permanent fixtures. These are pretty self explanatory. Permanent fixtures are attached using tools that screw it directly into the track of the patio door. The temporary patio dog door on the other hand can be easily installed and removed as and when required. Best to consult the manufacturer on what will work best for you, It’s especially important if you rent a house, to consider a temporary fixture. Temporary patio pet panels area easily installed on the inside of the track of sliding patio doors. Bear in mind the material of you sliding glass patio door –is it vinyl, wood or aluminum? This is important because the majority of pet panels will only fit with a certain type. Finally, on this subject, remember to measure this width of the patio panel that you intend to purchase. Test if after the installation there will still be adequate space left for you and your guests to walk through.

A few pointers to keep in mind when shopping around for the perfect patio dog door:

Size does matter

You have to have a good idea of the dimensions of your patio door as well as the size of your dog. Needless to say, a Chihuahua requires a smaller door than an Alsatian. For some this may seem like the most obvious statement of the century, but I have seen many homeowners install a dog door either too big or too small for their pet. Tragedy as this means you have to start all over again or cause discomfort for your dog. To determine the best size, physically measure your dog. As they say, sometimes the most obvious solution is the best one. Some general parameters to keep in mind – the width should be at least 2” wider than the width of your dog, from a height perspective, it should exceed 2,5” the height of your pet. If you own a puppy, obviously keep in mind the dog’s future growth.

Decorative blending

Picture this – an aluminum patio door in a wooden patio door frame! This is perhaps not the best decorative combination. The point is that patio dog doors come in all sorts of colors, styles and types. Naturally this is more a practical item as opposed to a decorative tool, but that doesn’t mean your patio dog door should be ‘counterproductive’ in your efforts to stylishly decorate your outdoor space. Think what will work best with your current surroundings.

Quality and durability

I agree with the notion that it’s better to buy a quality dog door as opposed to a cheaper more flimsy version – I guess everybody would. Chances are your dog will use the door daily, and the door simply needs to withstand this frequent usage. Always look at the manufacturer’s warranty and materials that they used. Sometimes the replacement flap for a patio dog door can be very expensive, so rather buy something that will last for years.

Ease of installation

Although this should not be the single biggest deciding factor in purchasing a patio dog door, it’s worth considering. Basic rule to follow is that you decided on a patio door dog panel with a difficult installation procedure, it’s best to hire the experts that know how to ‘do the job’. The yellow pages are good to consult or you can to speak to your vendor who will always have some recommendations.

Patio dog doors are by no means a necessity, but if you have some additional financial resources you can easily ‘pick up’ a panel at a good price that will last for some years.

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