Tag Archives: garden patio

Choosing Outdoor Chaise Lounges

Its long time not to update this simple blog. Okay, in last post I ever published about vegetable gardening.  And today I wanna talk about outdoor furniture. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to provide your body and your mind with a time of rest and relaxation each day. You can be more productive at work and your overall disposition is more pleasant when you are less stressed. Quite appropriately, a home is often described as one’s haven or place of retreat. However, if your home has a patio or garden area, that outdoor area can easily become your favorite place of retreat.

All you really need to set the stage for a personal retreat is an ultra comfortable chaise lounge. If you place a chaise lounge on your patio or in your garden area, each time you catch a glimpse of that very inviting chair it will entice you to set aside some time for personal relaxation. This would be an ideal place for you to sneak away to catch an afternoon nap or to enjoy some uninterrupted reading time. Setting aside time to enjoy peaceful moments of solitude to rest your mind and body by doing absolutely nothing is an exceptionally beneficial habit to develop.

Outdoor Chaise Lounges
Outdoor Chaise Lounges

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Update Your Patio for Spring

rumah minimalis terbaru– As soon as there is warmth in the air and spring fever sets in, you will probably want to get your patio furniture out of storage! One of best things you can do to renew your yard,garden or property is an update to your patio. Spring is a time of renewal and your home should be no exception. Keep things fresh and exciting with easy,but noticeable changes.

Even the simplest changes can update and improve an established space. If you are on a limited budget or have time constraints,consider new cushions or cushion covers for your patio furniture. A rearrangement can also work wonders for a dull looking space. Other very simple fixes include adding potted plants,planting flowers,small water fountains or concrete garden decorations.

Usually you can find many of these for less than $50. Another simple thing you can do to bring new life into your patio is a good power wash. Though you probably did this while winterizing your patio,it is always a good thing to do in spring as well,to rinse away the winter grime. Adding some rugs or concrete patio carpeting is also an amazing way to update the area.

Update Your Patio for Spring
Update Your Patio for Spring

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Appropriate Lighting Can Make or Break a Nighttime Garden Patio Party

contoh gambar rumah minimalis– In preparing your patio for a nighttime garden party,few elements of decoration can be more important than appropriate lighting. Yet while there are many different kinds of lighting at your disposal for use around your patio,each style is suited towards a different purpose. Consider the following suggestions for ways that you can utilize outdoor patio lighting to create a pleasant outdoor environment for your guests. While not all of these examples might work in your garden,they may inspire you to create some interesting displays of your own.

String Lights – String lights are a frequent favorite for use around patio garden sets due to their versatility and the sense of style they create. While they can be used in a number of ways,one of the best implementations of such lights is to use them to create a sort of outdoor room. Take strands of string lights and attach them at one end to the top of an umbrella or pole in the center of your patio. Then stretch the strands outward,attaching them to high points around the patio and letting them sag in the center. This creates a sort of ceiling which provides structure to an otherwise open outdoor area.

Appropriate Lighting Can Make or Break a Nighttime Garden Patio Party
Appropriate Lighting Can Make or Break a Nighttime Garden Patio Party

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Outdoor Design Elements Create a True Meeting Place

rumah minimalis type 21– Creating a pleasant outdoor area is about more than finding a fine garden patio set and throwing it out behind your house. It requires a great deal of thought and consideration,a bit of style,and an understanding of how different elements work together. While there is certainly no right or wrong way to fashion an outdoor sitting area,there are several elements that can add greatly to the atmosphere of your garden. Considering each can lend valuable ideas that may make your patio a more comfortable and inviting place.

Water Features – People often tend to think of their gardens strictly as places for plants to grow and thrive. This is a silly notion that detracts a great deal from the potential each garden patio has. Adding flowing water to the correct setting may provide motion and gentle action to an area that is otherwise stagnant and dull. Constructing a flowing water feature that winds around your outdoor patio can add excitement and interest to the scene. They can range in size from quite small,such as powered,self-cycling waterfalls that sit beside the house to enormous Koi ponds that invite guests to walk alongside and peer into the watery depths.

Outdoor Design Elements Create a True Meeting Place
Outdoor Design Elements Create a True Meeting Place

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Garden Patio Sets are Used for Many Different Kinds of Parties

contoh desain rumah minimalis – When it comes to preparing a home for a party many people tend to ignore their outdoor areas. Doing so can be a very costly mistake,and preparing your outdoor facilities,like your garden patio set,for guests is crucial to ensure a good time for all,as they can be so helpful in expanding the mingling area.

Perhaps the most popular way that patios sets are utilized during parties is as a retreat to which guests can escape the chaos of everything going on inside. A successful party does not necessarily have to be extremely loud,but it is certainly going to be an encapsulating place full of conversation and interaction with others. From time to time,disappearing out into the patio to relax in a comfortable chair may be a relaxing way to enjoy a party without having to be caught in the middle of it at all times. By getting a breath of fresh air guests prepare themselves to dive back into the fray and reorient themselves towards conversation.

Garden Patio Sets are Used for Many Different Kinds of Parties
Garden Patio Sets are Used for Many Different Kinds of Parties

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Plastics,Woods and Metals – Which Material Makes the Best Garden Patio Set?

rumah minimalis tampak depan– While they all serve similar functions, garden outdoor patio sets are not all made the same. The materials from which they are constructed vary greatly,with each material lending itself to different applications. Plastics do well for certain settings,woods for others,and metals for still others. While the differences between the three may seem confusing,a rounded understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each is important to ensure the garden patio set you choose is a good fit for your garden.

Garden patio sets made out of plastic are by far the least expensive and most widely available on the market today. This is because they can be made quickly and at low costs,allowing them to be purchased for considerably less than items made of other materials. Of course,you get what you pay for. Plastic outdoor furniture typically lasts for shorter amounts of time than wood or metal furniture simply because it tends to crack and break under use and in the elements. Those looking for a quick,comfortable set to enjoy outdoors for a brief period of time may find plastic acceptable – most others should consider other materials.

Plastics,Woods and Metals – Which Material Makes the Best Garden Patio Set
Plastics,Woods and Metals – Which Material Makes the Best Garden Patio Set

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Winterizing Your Patio

disain rumah minimalis– When the weather begins to chill down and the days become cooler,if you live in a seasonal area,you need to winterize your patio before putting the furniture and accessories away. Though you have probably spent a wonderful summer on your patio,you need to ensure that all of the fixtures are properly stored for next season. Luckily this is fairly easy to accomplish and with just a few hours of your time you will find your patio furnishings are ready to come out at the first signs of spring.

Start with some basic cleaning of the furniture. Spots and stains on furniture and cushions will be easier to remove now than waiting until spring when they will have set in. This is also appropriate if there are times during the winter that may be warmer and you can sit outside for a bit to beat the winter blues. It is easy to grab the clean furniture without having any unsightly spots. You can,in most cases,use a solution of mild kitchen soap and cold water to clean the cushions and umbrellas.

A nylon brush works very well for these jobs. You can also run a vacuum over the cushions to get all the embedded dirt and grime off of the furniture. Hot water can be used on any vinyl straps or fabrics and you should use a vinyl sealer on these before storing. Dry them in the sun and air,and don’t store until completely dry. For specific spots,like rust spots from metal furniture,try a rust remover applied with a tough metal brush. Apply a primer and touch up with paint made for metal.

Winterizing Your Patio
Winterizing Your Patio

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